Aside from the breakfast we offer, our kitchens have hot kettles and you are welcome to make a cup of tea or coffee, pop some bread into the toaster. This is a family home however, and you will have to keep the kitchen as clean as you find it. There are no staff to clean up after you, and we won't be nannies after you either. However, we are firm.

Gamuchas + toiletries
We offer the striking, traditional, check-patterned cotton towels that are indigenous to the east of India and Bangladesh. Gamucha translates to body wipe. This is our way of celebrating Bengal, the east and its traditions.
We also have Turkish bath towels on offer, if you prefer those. Just ask us, and we'll offer what you are more comfortable with. We highly recommend the gamucha, however. It's quite fun.
We believe in sustainability, and thus, we don't offer those tiny thin bars of soap. There is a large container of bath gel that we keep refilling. Please don't think it is old stuff--it is bath gel so it cannot be old. It is sensible use of resources

We have a washing-machine that you can use for a nominal fee of Rs 150 (subject to be used twice a week). We have a pressing board where you can iron your clothes. We have a superb terrace where you can dry your clothes organically 🙂 and do your yoga/push-ups while waiting for them to dry.
We can also point you to the local laundry and press services.
All up to you.
If you want us to do your laundry, we shall do that at a price. Rate chart available in house.
Books + art
If you'd like to know more about the books and art you see around the house, please do ask. Bengalis love talking about books. The large works have a line identifying the artist and the book they are from.
If you don't see any of us around, email us. And if you'd like to buy these books, we'll be happy to tell you where. The art, of course, is custom-made for the house.